September 2024

Hot off the Press: WSU Extension Factsheet about Small Hive Beetle

Small hive beetles (SHB) are a pest to honey bees globally, especially in the Southeastern United States. Historically, the SHB has been considered a transient pest with little to no potential to sustain in Washington State. However, recent research has revealed that global warming may contribute to the expanse of suitable habitat for this invasive species, and recent communication with multiple beekeepers indicates that there are resident SHB populations in Northwestern Washington. With these recent reports, this Extension publication aims to inform Washington State beekeepers of regions that may support sustained populations of SHB and prepare them to detect, accurately identify, monitor, control, and report SHB infestation(s) in their region. Read it here!

advertisement for small hive beetle factsheet including map of habitat suitability that is found in the publication

We want to hear from you! Give us ideas for workshops in 2025!

The WSU Bee Program is looking for your input about what types of events or workshops you would like to see from us in 2025. Please fill out this google form linked here to share your thoughts.

Looking for more updates on beekeeper happenings in Washington? Check out the Washington State Beekeepers Association newsletters!

Author: Bri Price, Honey Bee Program Extension Coordinator