Please take the opportunity to make a contribution to any of the funds below.
- Honey Bee Mushroom Research – This fund supports WSU Bee Program’s collaboration with Paul Stamets, owner of Host Defense and Fungi Perfecti (leading mycologist, visionary and TED Talk presenter), and WSU Bee Keepers Association who teamed up in a research initiative called BeeFriendly™ to help reverse devastating declines in the global bee population that are critically threatening the world’s food security.
- Honey Bee Research Facility – This fund supports maintenance and operations at WSU Honey Bees + Pollinators Research Facility in Othello.
- Thurber, Pomeroy F. “Roy” Distinguished Professor of Pollinator Ecology – This fund was established in honor of Thurber’s devotion to beekeeping and his seemingly unending energy to its promotion in the state of Washington. Dr. Hopkin’s research is currently supported by this fund.