honey bees on frame

Extension & Outreach


Buzzy Bee Blog

Click here to read our blog and stay up to date with current WSU Bee Program events and achievements!

Request a Speaker

Are you looking for someone from our program to speak at one of your club meetings or events? Click here to find a list of people who may be available!

Beekeeper Resources

Click here to find useful information about honey bee health surveys and programs for beekeepers!

Diagnostic Aid

Here you will find information about how to quantify Nosema or dissect your bees for tracheal mites. Are you looking for a diagnostic lab to send honey bee samples to? Click here for more!

Master Beekeeper Program

WSU Bee Program has partnered with the WASBA to create a new master beekeeper certification, click here to learn more!

Bee-yond Honey Bees

Are you looking for information about the diversity of pollinators, or mason bee care? Click here for more!

Contact the Program Extension Coordinator


Extension Publications

honey bee on canola flower

Pollinators in Canola in the Pacific Northwest

Authors: Rae Olsson, Karen Sowers & David Crowder

northern giant hornet

The Asian Giant Hornet – What the Public and Beekeepers Need to Know

Authors: Susan Cobey, Timothy Lawrence & Michael Jensen

honey bee pollinating flower

Neonicotinoid Pesticides and Honey Bees

Authors: Timothy Lawrence & Walter (Steve) Sheppard

bumble bee on flower

A Citizen Science Guide to Wild Bees and Floral Visitors in Western Washington

Authors: Elias Bloom, Rae Olsson, & David Crowder

leaf cutter bee pollinating flower

Megachilid Bees in the Pacific Northwest: An Introduction

Authors: Samantha Roof & Sandra DeBano

bumble bee nest box

Washington Bumble Bees in Home Yards and Gardens

Authors: David Pehling & Jenny

cavity nesting bee on flower

An Introduction to Cavity-Nesting Bees in the Puget Sound Region

Authors: Elias Bloom, Rae Olsson, Emily Wine, Robert Schaeffer, & David Crowder


Spotlight: Media Reports

syrphid pollinating fly on flower

WSU researcher finds promise in pollinators that aren’t bees

While bees are undoubtedly more efficient pollinators, thanks to feather-like hairs encircling their bodies, a recently published study out of WSU found that more than a third of the insects visiting flowers were not bees, and may have a significant part to play in transporting pollen from plant to plant.

Authors: Scott Jackson

Image of bee yard

Cold Rooms for Bee Work, Not Just Bee Storage

Bryan Ashurst of Ashurst Bee Company has been coming up with innovative ways to combat the skyrocketing outdoor temperatures in the desert between the Salton Sea and Mexico. Bryan uses cold storage as a venue for some of his spring and summer management, starting as early as the bees return from almond pollination.

Author: Kelly Kulhanek

a group of people looking at honey  bee insemination process

Building a Better Bee

WSU Entomologists use bee semen collected from all around the world as part of breeding projects to improve genetics of honey bees.

Authors: Ross Courtney & Tj Mullinax