The Hopkins lab studies how beekeeping management practices, honey bee health, and environmental factors are all interconnected. We work closely with beekeepers, growers, and industry representatives toward improved colony survival and crop pollination throughout the west coast of the United States.
Through collaboration with other labs in the WSU Entomology department as well as research and industry partners worldwide, we are training the next generation of honey bee researchers through basic and applied methods, and outfitting them with the tools needed to contribute to honey bee sustainability across a wide variety of employment avenues.
The Department of Entomology currently maintains and operates over 250 colonies distributed in 10 research and teaching apiaries.
Current Projects:
- Pollination enhancement for specialty crops and colony health of honey bee
- Improving health and survivorship of commercially managed honey bee colonies utilizing indoor storage
- Informing and developing a decision support tool for indoor storage of honey bee colonies as an integrative pest management approach
- Modernization of indoor storage honey bee research chambers
- Comprehensive honey bee health tech transfer outreach program: education, breeding, nutrition and management
- and more…
For more information, visit the Hopkins lab website: